Spring 2025 registration is OPEN! Deadline March 1 (after March 1, $25 late fee added). Registration link:
Season runs April 7 to June 8 (no games/practices during April Spring Break)
Weekly Clinic and Game Schedule (Spring 2025):
T-ball (entering K in Sept 2025 only): Sundays, starting April 27. 4:00 - 5:00 pm at Town Hall North.
Instructional (grades K-1): Practice Tuesdays, 4:30 - 5:30pm at Town Hall Fields starting April 8. Weekly Saturday morning games 9:30 - 10:30 am.
AA (grades 2-3): Practice Mondays, 4:30 - 6:00pm at Town Hall Fields starting April 7. Weekly Saturday afternoon games at 2:00 pm.
AAA (grades 4-5): Practice Wednesdays, 4:30-6:00 pm starting April 9 at Town Hall fields. Weekly Saturday games and a few weeknight (Mon or Thur) games at 6 pm.
Majors (grades 6-7): Practice Tuesdays, 5:30-7:00pm starting April 8. Weekly Saturday morning games and a few weeknight games (6 pm) Mon or Wed.
Juniors (grade 8) - Practice Tuesdays, 5:30-7:00 pm starting April 8. Games weekend and some weekdays at 6 pm.
Equipment & Uniform Requirements:
T-Ball | Pre-K | Team jersey/socks provided | Bat, glove, face shield, batting helmet (with cage), sneakers |
Instructional | Gr K-1 | Team jersey/socks provided | Bat, glove, face shield, batting helmet (with cage), sneakers |
AA | Gr 2-3 | Team jersey/socks provided | Bat, glove, face shield, batting helmet (with cage), cleats, grey softball pants |
AAA | Gr 4-5 | Team jersey/socks provided | Bat, glove, face shield, batting helmet (with cage), cleats, grey softball pants (batting gloves and sliding shorts recommended but not required) |
Majors | Gr 6-7 | Team jersey/socks provided | Bat, glove, face shield, batting helmet (with cage), cleats, grey softball pants (batting gloves and sliding shorts recommended but not required) |
Juniors | Gr 8 | Team jersey/socks provided | Bat, glove, face shield, batting helmet (with cage), cleats, grey softball pants (batting gloves and sliding shorts recommended but not required) |
If your child is playing in one of our programs for the first time, you must mail a copy of his/her birth certificate to Westport Little League. In addition, if this is the first time a member of your family is participating in one of our programs, you must also mail proof of residency (such as a utility or phone bill). Please email these items to westportball@aol.com or mail them to:
Westport Little League, Attention Beth Cody
P.O. Box 581
Westport CT 06881
Your child cannot participate without first meeting these requirements.
If participation of your child(ren) in Little League presents a financial hardship for your family, you may apply for financial aid through Town of Westport Youth Services. If you wish to apply, please complete the online registration and select the financial aid option. Your registration with WLLSB will not be deleted for non-payment. Please contact adaugelli@westportct.gov to apply.
WLLSB does our best to form balanced teams. For Instructional through AA, teams generally include players from the same elementary school. The Commissioners will do their best to accommodate team requests indicated in registration when populating teams.
All coaches will be required to pass a background check, have a valid National Youth Sports Coaches Association (NYSCA) membership and undergo mandatory concussion training prior to the start of the season.
Our programs could not exist without parent coaches who generously volunteer their time. For parents who would like to volunteer as a head coach or an assistant coach, please check the appropriate box on your child’s registration form. Once teams are announced, the manager may subsequently add another (league-approved) assistant coach(es) who is a parent of a player on the team's roster. If you are interested in coaching or volunteering to help run our programs, please check the appropriate box when registering.
Westport Baseball & Softball is a nonprofit organization that, among other things, funds repairs and capital improvements of fields in town. Please contact us at msalottolo@westportbaseballandsoftball.com if you would like to make a donation.
Questions? Commissioner Contacts:
Commissioner of Juniors (8th grade) – Laurie Schneider – lschneider@westportbaseballandsoftball.com
Commissioner of Majors (6th and 7th grade) – Steve Drucker – sdrucker@westportbaseballandsoftball.com
Commissioner of AAA (4th and 5th grade) – Rachel Klauser – rklauser@westportbaseballandsoftball.com
Commissioner of AA (2nd and 3rd grade) – Tom Dziekonski - tdziekonski@westportbaseballandsoftball.com
Commissioner of Instructional (K and 1st grade) – Rachel Olschofka– rachel.olschofka@gmail.com
General League Questions - Melissa Salottolo - msalottolo@westportbaseballandsoftball.com
All requests for a refund must be sent via email to Beth Cody – westportball@aol.com.
Little League Program
Westport Softball charges a registration fee for Little League Programs (including various skills clinics) which is due by the registration deadline date. No Participant will be permitted to practice with the team or participate in games if any portion of the Participant’s registration fee is outstanding.
Refund requests will be considered based on the following schedule: